MSc in Economics and Financial Economics graduate at University of Nottingham, UK. Looking for opportunities where I can use and cultivate my knowledge. Passionate for Economics, Financial Markets and Technology. Trying to go to bed knowing a bit more every day using discipline, productivity and personal knowledge management tools.

**CV in pdf form📎**

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +34660940352/+447368647268

Selected Papers

An empirical approach to bond risk premia: Econometrics vs Machine Learning

Calibrating a rule-of-thumb DSGE model for the Euro Area

A study of stock-bond correlations and their determinants: The case of the European core and perihpery

Forecasting Exchange Rates of US-UK currencies

A review of the article "Macro Factors in Bond Risk Premia"

Revisiting the Openness and Inflation Relationship


Chronological, open toggles for more information


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